Prof. Zhou Su Xi'an Jiaotong University, China Chief Scientist of National Key R&D Program Elsevier China Highly Cited Scholar |
Zhou Su is the dean of the School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University. His research interests include IoT security, CPS security, AI security, and wireless network security and optimization. He received the Best Paper Awards of IEEE ICC2020, IEEE BigdataSE2019, IEEE GCCTC 2018, and others. He is an editorial board member of IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Open Journal of Computer Society, and other well-known international journals.
Speech title: Key Issues of Crowdsensing Networks Security for Smart City
Abstract: Crowdsensing network has become a new paradigm to provide users with various sensing information and entertainment applications. However, how to establish a safe and reliable crowdsensing network becomes a new challenge. This talk talks about novel issues in crowdsensing networks including user privacy , trust management and data protection, etc.